About the Alliance
Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina
The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit uniting more than 60 diverse organizations across the state with a shared commitment to improving the health and well-being of all South Carolinians.
With a strong focus on health equity, the Alliance aligns goals, metrics, and actions across institutions, organizations, and agencies at both the state and community levels. By actively bridging policy and practice, we connect and amplify existing and emerging equity-focused initiatives—driving meaningful, systemic change for a healthier, more equitable South Carolina.
What we do:
We bring together a diverse group of organizations both public and private, to engage in dialogue about how to drive change and achieve health equity.
We link innovative work together and identify opportunities for partnership and collaboration.
We mobilize and align efforts that support the collective agenda for health improvement and health equity.
Why we formed:
Between 2010 and 2013, a group of senior leaders from healthcare, business, philanthropy, insurance, government, and policy in South Carolina became increasingly aware of the several successful but uncoordinated efforts targeted at impacting diverse aspects of health in the state and saw promise in the idea of a coalition that could minimize duplication and maximize impact in specific health outcomes such as stroke and premature births.
These founding leaders decided to work with other leaders in the state to take collective responsibility for the health of all in the state through the creation of the South Carolina Health Coordinating Council, known today as the Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina.
Our Approach
Through education, data, collaboration, and policy/advocacy, we help communities achieve the Triple Aim in health care: lower costs, improve population health and improve patient experiences.
Education & Awareness
Provide an array of learning opportunities in order to educate and raise awareness on various topics.
Use quality data to make fully informed decisions about health improvement efforts.
Cross Sector Collaboration
Bring together public and private sector leaders to review data and design state-wide solutions.
Policy & Advocacy
Guide policy and advocacy opportunities by leveraging our collective voice to achieve the goals of the Alliance.
Convene and connect diverse stakeholders to align and catalyze efforts to improve health and well-being for communities across South Carolina.
A South Carolina with optimal and equitable health outcomes for ALL.