Creating Healthier Communities &
a Healthier South Carolina for ALL.
Live Healthy South Carolina is a collaborative process led by the Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina (Alliance) and the SC Department of Public Health (SCDPH) to systematically assess and advance the health of all South Carolinians. South Carolina’s first comprehensive state health assessment (SHA) and the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) were created through this initiative.
The framework for this process is a modified version of the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) model developed by the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO).
State Health Assessment
South Carolina’s 2023 State Health Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the health status of South Carolinians designed to inform health improvement plans at the state and community levels. In addition, it serves as a health data resource that organizations, the media and the public can use.
Recent Reports
Updated 05.27.2024
State Health Improvement Plan
The 2025-2029 South Carolina State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) provides a vision for continuous health improvement. It outlines priority areas and includes strategies to improve the health of all people in South Carolina. It is a tool for health care professionals, government agencies, community-based organizations, advocates, academicians, policy makers, and other stakeholders to use to catalyze action that will leverage resources and focus work towards measurable improvement.
The framework for this process is based on the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps model and the Results-Based Accountability model.

Join Us in Driving Change
Together, we can create a healthier, more equitable South Carolina. Sign this pledge and commit to advancing health improvement for our state. For more information, contact alliance@healthiersc.org.