Data Resources
Find community assets in your area
211 database: South Carolina 2-1-1 is a one-stop resource for finding assistance in local communities. The database includes a wide variety of service providers including support groups, community clinics, counselors, shelters, food pantries, programs for seniors, and many more agencies in South Carolina. Call 2-1-1 anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to link to vital services in your community. You can also call 2-1-1 toll free at 1-866-892-9211. This service is free and is available in multiple languages. If your organization/services or important services you know of are not in the 211 system, you can include/update them here.
Build your own tables & graphs
South Carolina Community Assessment Network – Tutorial and Webinar: DHEC has available a tool that allows organizations to access information about births, deaths, cancer incidence, infant mortality, hospital acquired infections, population, pregnancy, and community profiles. You (or your data staff) can stratify the data by county, zip-code, race, ethnicity, age, education, payer, etc. In some cases, the site will create maps, tables, and age-adjusted statistics. The site includes data since 1990 until 2013, and 2014 data will be uploaded in the fall.
Data Reports
Hospital, FQHC and Health Plans data:
PricePoint: This is the hospital cost transparency website of the South Carolina Hospital Association.
MySCHospital: Gives a snapshot of SC hospital’s performance in key areas. With this information you can see how ofter each hospital provides recommended care for patients with certain conditions or the progress hospitals have made towards national patient safety goals.
Health Center Data: View information on demographics, services, clinical and cost data for several of the Federally Qualified Health Centers in South Carolina and the nation.
NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings: By clicking on the name of the insurance plan, you can see details of performance in all the metrics used by NCQA to create the scores. Including several of the Alliance metrics such as well-child visits, blood pressure control, depression medication adherence, A1C levels, and other related indicators.
SC HealthViz: South Carolina eHealth Medicaid Statistics: SC HealthViz is designed to provide greater transparency in the data that result from the administration and delivery of Medicaid health services in South Carolina through report formats that are both user-friendly and accessible. By providing both statistical and spatial data about SC Medicaid enrollment, eligibility, health care plan performance, aggregated claims, and access to care, this site facilitates use of the information by a wide range of stakeholders and organizations.
County and sub-county data:
County Health Rankings: This website provides ranked data for health outcomes and factors for every county in the United States.
Kids Count South Carolina: In this page you can either download county and race/ethnicity reports, or filter data to create customized reports about the wellbeing of children in South Carolina.
South Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys (BRFSS Survey): The Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System is the world’s largest random telephone survey of non-institutionalized population aged 18 or older that is used to track health risks in the United States. South Carolina began administering BRFSS since 1984. The basic philosophy is to collect data on actual behaviors, rather than on attitudes or knowledge, that would be especially useful for planning, initiating, supporting, and evaluating health promotion and disease prevention programs.
South Carolina Health profession Shortage Area maps: Designation as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or a Medically Underserved Area (MUA) is often the first step in establishing eligibility for federal and state programs. The Primary Care Office (PCO) works with community and state partners to prepare designation requests for federal review. The office also helps educate providers, citizens and policymakers on the designations.
Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS Test Scores): This website includes the results of the PASS tests for each public school and school district in the state. Data is stratified by demographics. Find here reading at grade level scores until 2014. Use Aspire scores starting in 2015.
Aspire Scores: This website includes the results of the ACT tests for each public school and school district in the state. Data is stratified by demographics.
Census and American Community Survey Database: This website allows you to query hundreds of variables from the Census, American Community Survey and a few others. Some variables have sub-county data information.
South Carolina Health Professions Data Book: Contains county and regional level data on 17 different health care professions as well as population and health-quality indicators. Each health profession is mapped in terms of where professional practice in the state. This information is often used by program and policy planners.
SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Data: Contains factsheet for each county in SC, containing information about teen births and sexually transmitted infections among teens.
SC Rural Healthcare Dashboard: The SC Healthcare Resource Dashboard is an informational tool that draws data from a variety of public, and semi-public data. The data in the dashboard is intended to provide communities with data that they may need to make decisions, implement programs, and target specific areas of need. An introduction and demonstration video is available here.
Build your own maps
Community Needs Assessments: This website allows you to build maps using publicly available data. In some cases, you’ll be able to build maps by block or zip-code.
DHEC Mapping tool: Use this interactive tool to choose hospitalization indicators and measures to generate maps, bar charts and trend lines.
Input your data to build maps: This tool allows you to build South Carolina maps using your own data (up to 6 categories)
Health equity reports from other states