Collective Impact in Action
South Carolina’s Collective Impact in Action
Partners Aligning for Community Health
Over a three-year period, this project funded by The Duke Endowment will identify a statewide strategic direction in addressing health needs and health disparities by:
Capturing the voices of those with life experiences through a meaningful collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment process,
Aligning and strengthening collaboration between hospitals, community organizations and public health, and
Building capacity for data transparency, collective impact and RBA framework.
The infrastructure for long-term impact in SC will be built through the four-phased approach that will advance over the next three years with the next state health assessment and improvement plan being built in the process.
Step 1: Engage DHEC Data Team to determine current data inventory & status of community data dashboard
Step 2: Determine gaps in data based on County Health Rankings & Road-maps Model
Step 3: Convene state data team to determine data that is available
Step 1: Identify & collaborate with community partners as they are building their CHNA
Step 2: Convene other partners across state & utilize template to build state-wide model.
Step 3: Develop tools & resources (survey questions & other data collection tools)
RBA Training
Step 1: Identify partners that will lead training of RBA across the state
Step 2: Partners will develop the training model
Step 3: Identify stakeholders & develop recruitment/outreach methodology
Step 4: Prioritize partners to participate in training roll-out
Scorecard Implementation
Step 1: Pilot the implementation of the RBA framework & the Clear Impact Scorecard to develop CHIPs in a few counties.
Step 2: Adjust tools & resources based on feedback from local partners & evaluation of the pilot.
Step 3: Recruit additional counties to expand the reach of the RBA framework & Clear Impact Scorecard.
Step 4: Work with state partners to create a plan for expansion & sustainability of this model.
Key Partners
SC Hospital Association Foundation /
SC Hospital Association
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
SC Office of Rural Health
Furman University Institute for the Advancement of Community Health
SC Area Health Education Consortium
Results-Based AccountabilityTM (RBA) is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems. It is a data-driven decision-making process to help communities and organizations get beyond talking about problems to solving them.
Visit SC AHEC’s website at www.scahec.net/learn