Collective Impact in Action

South Carolina’s Collective Impact in Action

Partners Aligning for Community Health

Over a three-year period, this project funded by The Duke Endowment will identify a statewide strategic direction in addressing health needs and health disparities by:

  • Capturing the voices of those with life experiences through a meaningful collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment process,

  • Aligning and strengthening collaboration between hospitals, community organizations and public health, and

  • Building capacity for data transparency, collective impact and RBA framework.

    The infrastructure for long-term impact in SC will be built through the four-phased approach that will advance over the next three years with the next state health assessment and improvement plan being built in the process.


Step 1: Engage DHEC Data Team to determine current data inventory & status of community data dashboard

Step 2: Determine gaps in data based on County Health Rankings & Road-maps Model

Step 3: Convene state data team to determine data that is available


Step 1: Identify & collaborate with community partners as they are building their CHNA

Step 2: Convene other partners across state & utilize template to build state-wide model.

Step 3: Develop tools & resources (survey questions & other data collection tools)

RBA Training

Step 1: Identify partners that will lead training of RBA across the state

Step 2: Partners will develop the training model

Step 3: Identify stakeholders & develop recruitment/outreach methodology

Step 4: Prioritize partners to participate in training roll-out

Scorecard Implementation

Step 1: Pilot the implementation of the RBA framework & the Clear Impact Scorecard to develop CHIPs in a few counties.

Step 2: Adjust tools & resources based on feedback from local partners & evaluation of the pilot.

Step 3: Recruit additional counties to expand the reach of the RBA framework & Clear Impact Scorecard.

Step 4: Work with state partners to create a plan for expansion & sustainability of this model.

Key Partners

SC Hospital Association Foundation /
SC Hospital Association

SC Department of Health & Environmental Control

SC Office of Rural Health

Furman University Institute for the Advancement of Community Health

SC Area Health Education Consortium


Results-Based AccountabilityTM (RBA) is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems. It is a data-driven decision-making process to help communities and organizations get beyond talking about problems to solving them.

Visit SC AHEC’s website at