Health Equity

Making South Carolina Better

Building Equity through Transformation, Engagement, and Resources

Take the Health Equity Pledge!

The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina has launched an organizational and individual Health Equity Champion Pledge to build upon the work of our members and partners and take action to eliminate equity-driven health disparities across South Carolina. The pledge uses the Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Health & Racial Equity in South Carolina and builds upon the teachings of the American Hospital Association Institute for Diversity & Health Equity to implement diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) strategies to eliminate equity-based gaps in health outcomes. Please join us as we encourage our members, partners, and supporters to take the pledge to reduce equity-based gaps and improve health outcomes across South Carolina!

Pledged Organizations Include: The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence (CCME), Family Connection of SC, Furman University - Institute for the Advancement of Community Health, Greenville Free Medical Clinic, Growing Local South Carolina, Healthcare For All - South Carolina, Healthy Learners, Live Healthy Spartanburg, March of Dimes, Medical University of South Carolina, Palmetto Cycling Coalition, The Palmetto Project, Prisma Health, Ralph H. Johnson VA Healthcare System, SC Center for Rural & Primary Healthcare, SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare, SC Hospital Association, Self Regional Healthcare, South Carolina AHEC, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health, South Carolina Nurses Association, Tidelands Health, Tobacco Free - York County Coalition, Unity Health on Main, and Wholespire.

The SC Rural Hospital DEI Learning Collaborative

A partnership between The Alliance for a Healthier SC and the SC Hospital Association, the Collaborative engages hospital leaders in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion strategies that improve health outcomes across the state.

Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Health & Racial Equity in SC

The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina Health Equity Action Team collectively developed this plan to compliment the Live Healthy South Carolina State Health Improvement Plan. As a supporting framework designed to build leadership capacity to promote health and racial equity as core systemic values and take collective action at the policy and programmatic levels to eliminate equity-based gaps in health outcomes.

Goal 1:

Build Awareness, Education, & Training

Goal 2:

Provide Equity-Stratified Data for Decision Making

Goal 3:

Support Policy &
Systems Changes

Goal 4:

Build Multi-Sector Collaborations

Vision: A South Carolina that is just and equitable, and where every South Carolinian has the opportunity to achieve their optimum level of health and wellbeing.

Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Health
& Racial Equity in South Carolina

Health Equity Resource Guide

To support this work the team developed the Health Equity Resource Guide. This Inventory features resources and educational tools listed in categories while it is not intended to be an exhaustive list, it is meant to assist those seeking to successfully implement programs and initiatives to improve health and equity.

Health Equity Action Team

The Health Equity Action Team is guiding this process to implement the Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Health & Racial Equity framework in South Carolina. The Health Equity Action Team works to understand and address the root causes of health inequities. Members are building capacity/infrastructure and crafting an action plan to collectively respond to current and emerging equity-based issues.